How to Start a Nonprofit Corporation in Delaware (2023 Guide)

Starting a nonprofit corporation can be a fulfilling and impactful way to make a difference in your community. Delaware is a popular state for incorporating nonprofits due to its favorable legal framework and tax benefits. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps and requirements to start a nonprofit corporation in Delaware in 2023.

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1. Understand the Basics

Before diving into the process, it's important to have a clear understanding of what a nonprofit corporation is. A nonprofit is an organization established to serve a specific charitable, educational, religious, or scientific cause, with the primary goal of pursuing social welfare rather than generating profit. Nonprofits are exempt from federal income tax and may also qualify for state-level exemptions, making them attractive for individuals wishing to create a positive impact without a sole focus on financial gain.

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2. Create a Mission Statement

Every nonprofit corporation should have a mission statement that clearly defines its purpose, goals, and the impact it intends to make. Think about the cause or issue you wish to address and the unique approach you plan to take to tackle it. The mission statement will guide your organization's work and serve as a beacon for those who would want to join or support your cause.

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3. Form Your Board of Directors

Nonprofits are governed by a board of directors responsible for overseeing the organization's strategic direction, programmatic activities, and financial performance. Assemble a diverse board that shares your passion and expertise while ensuring legal compliance. Delaware requires nonprofits to have a minimum of one director, but it's advisable to have multiple dedicated individuals to bring varied perspectives and skills to the table.

4. Choose a Name for Your Nonprofit

Selecting an appropriate name is crucial for your nonprofit's identity and branding. Ensure the name aligns with your mission and is not already in use by another organization. You can verify name availability by conducting a search on the Division of Corporations website or with the assistance of a registered agent in Delaware.

5. Draft the Articles of Incorporation

The Articles of Incorporation is a legal document that formally establishes your nonprofit corporation with the state. This document should include essential information such as the organization's name, mission statement, registered agent details, initial directors, and any other specific provisions consistent with Delaware law. While you can prepare the articles yourself, it is beneficial to seek legal advice to ensure compliance and avoid potential pitfalls.

6. Obtain Federal and State Tax Exemptions

To qualify for tax-exempt status at the federal level, you must file an application to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Benefits include relief from federal income tax, the ability to receive tax-deductible contributions, and eligibility for grants. Delaware also provides various state-level tax exemptions, which can be obtained by filing appropriate forms with the Department of Finance. Consult with a tax professional or attorney to navigate these complex processes effectively.

7. Develop Bylaws

Bylaws are the internal rules and regulations by which your nonprofit corporation will operate. These governing documents provide a framework for decision-making, board structure, memberships, and other operational aspects. Seek expert guidance to draft your bylaws, as they should comply with Delaware nonprofit laws while reflecting your organization's specific needs and goals.

8. Register for Employment Taxes and Licenses

If your nonprofit plans to have employees, you will need to register with the Delaware Division of Revenue for employment taxes and obtain necessary licenses, such as unemployment insurance and workers' compensation. Complying with employment regulations is essential to ensure legal and fair treatment of your staff.

9. File for 501(c)(3) Status

While securing tax-exempt status with the IRS partly exempts your nonprofit from federal taxes, it is advisable to obtain additional 501(c)(3) status. This designation affirms your organization's charitable purposes, making it eligible for a broad range of foundation grants, government funding, and private donations. The application process can be complex and time-consuming, requiring meticulous documentation and adherence to IRS regulations.

10. Develop a Fundraising Plan

Now that your nonprofit corporation is established and tax-exempt, you can focus on fundraising to finance your impactful initiatives. Create a comprehensive fundraising plan that determines your target audience, appropriate fundraising methods (e.g., events, grant applications, individual donations), and marketing strategy to effectively communicate your mission and attract support.


Starting a nonprofit corporation in Delaware requires careful planning, legal compliance, and dedication but is a rewarding endeavor for those passionate about making a difference in their communities. By following this step-by-step guide, becoming familiar with Delaware laws and seeking professional advice as needed, you can successfully establish and operate a nonprofit corporation that creates a positive impact in the years to come. Dream big, make a plan, and get started on your journey toward meaningful change.

*Note: The information provided in this article is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. However, we recommend consulting with legal and tax professionals to ensure compliance with the latest regulations and requirements.*

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